Jfk limo driver shoot him

What physics reveals about the jfk assassination history. Jackie did it jfk is still alive on an island with elvis or the driver shoot him theories. Kennedy, who shot killed kennedy limousine inside car. Why did jfks driver shoot him in the head at point. But he did slow the limo down to a rolling stop between two yellow hash marks freshly painted on the curb, beside an above ground sewer outlet. I was pondering the performance of william greer the limo driver during the dealey plaza attack and wondered whether or not he was the regular driver or was this duty rotated amongst other secret service agents. When its bouncing around and playing back at a jittery 18 frames per second, the infamous zapruder footage of john. Shooting holes in theory that a secret service agent. Here we see 100% proof that kennedy was shot by chauffeur bill greer of the secret service in other words he was working for. And abruptly floorboarding the gas pedal on that heavy jfk limo will also produce a smell resembling.

The limo driver nor the guy in the passenger seat shot jfk. This is an interview with clint hill, the main secret. Zapruder faq the sixth floor museum at dealey plazathe sixth. Powell a powell native had a upclose look at the assassination of president john f. Maybe john kennedys driver william greer shot him with an air pistol. Woman caught getting banged by neighbor despite lockdown. After studying frames at about z284 to z330 or so, you can clearly see the driver turn back towards jfk and shoot him at close range with what appears to be a silver. Jfk secret service jackie kennedy assassination car shot. I cried as i drove home from cabrillo junior college santa cruz county that closed after the announcement was made about his assassination on nov. He became jfks driver after the 1960 election through. A secret service agent accidentally shot president kennedy in the head. Despite his assassination being decades ago, the mystery. Kennedy s presidential limousine in the motorcade through dealey plaza in dallas on november 22, 1963, when the president was assassinated. And then i screamed at the driver to get us to a hospital.

The presidents limousine travels down elm street immediately after the first shot was fired. Kennedys last moments alive gave way in an instant on nov. Note how greer says in his testimony i was the senior agent assigned to him, to drive him. He became jfks driver after the 1960 election through simple seniority. One of the earliest conspiracy theories suggested that the driver of the presidential limousine, a secret service agent named william greer, shot jfk. Central standard time in dallas, texas, while riding in a presidential motorcade through dealey plaza. John fitzgerald kennedy, the 35th president of the united states, was assassinated on november 22, 1963, at 12.

One theory floating around is that the driver of the limousine, secret service agent william greer, shot the president from the front seat of the car. The film shows president kennedy and his motorcade in dealey plaza in downtown dallas as shots are being. William greer and jfk jfk assassination debate the. Kennedys driver, tyroneborn william greer, played a part in his death. Eyewitnesses jfk assassination jackie kennedy car secret service agents killed shot by witnesses testimony accounts involved, who was in the car, j acqueline jackie.

The most prominent change was a permanent top fitted with bullet resistant windows around the. Agent who jumped on jfks limo recounts fateful moments. March 10, 2016 jeffmorley assassination, best of, best. With years of experience, jfk limo service is committed to providing you with safe and reliable firstclass service. Wyoming native snapped photos of jfk assassination wyoming. If so the driver would have been pretty effing dumb thinking he could spin round point and shoot jfk in the face and hope the governer or his wife wouldnt notice a. Kennedy, largely obscured by the cars rearview mirror, can be seen with his fist clenched in front of his throat while agents standing on the car behind the limousine look back toward the texas school book depository, the entrance of which is visible just behind the tree. Kennedy was shot four times, once in the back, once in the throat, twice in the head. One theory that keeps coming up is that secret service agent william greer, the limousine driver, actually shot president kennedy with a handgun. Here is a link to the individual zapruder film frames of the jfk assassination. The first shot went through the presidents neck but did not. There has been speculation that the actions of president john f. Six jfk shooters, including three tied to cia, named by assassination authority by sherwood ross with jim fetzer six shooters who participated in the assassination of president john f. Kennedys limo slowed after the assassination shooting began.

Kennedy s presidential limousine in the motorcade through dealey plaza in dallas on november 22, 1963, when the president was. Part of the 8 hours of video was the unaltered video of the jfk assasination. Stabilized footage of the jfk assassination is unsettlingly real nov 15, 20. In it you can clearly see the driver shooting jfk and the passenger lean over to hold the wheel. I am a 4 people memory jfk,jackie,gov connely and the driver,oh and i have a question,does the driver shot jfk conpiracy still exist. Will releasing the jfk files reveal the truth about who killed jfk. Maybe john kennedys driver william greer shot him with an. The limo driver has a gun in his left hand and shoots kennedy pointing the gun over his right shoulder.

Later theorists pointed to the many witnesses who stated that the car stopped momentarily during the motorcade. Connellys nephew confirmed that jfk was shot by secret service agent driving the limo jan. Was john fitzgerald kennedy shot and killed by the limo driver secret service agent william greer. Proponents of this theory claim to show he reaches back with his right hand and simply shoots jfk in the head. This is exactly why the wcr diehards ridicule conspiracy theorists. When he learns continue reading did the limo driver shot jfk. Secret service, best known as being the driver of president john f. Jfk was killed by the limo driver william greer oswald probably took a couple shots and the secret service man in the car behind holding the assault rifle probably finished the job. Secret service agent jack ready on the right front running board of the followup car, heard noises that sounded like firecrackers and ran towards the presidential limousine, but was ordered back by emory p. Kennedys assassination in dallas, texas on november 22, 1963and the investigation and conspiracy.

His driving actions, though, did enhance the ease of the assassins to hit their target. The limousine driver and the guy in the front seat almost momentarily stopped the car and he turned his head and everything was alright, so he turned back and proceeded to come on down toward us. Jfks back brace may have cost him his life, doctor says. As soon as by ones own propaganda even a glimpse of right on the other side is admitted, the cause for doubting ones own right is laid. The official conclusion, of course, is that lee harvey oswald assassinated president kennedy from the sixth floor of the texas school book depository. I registered as a democrat to vote for john kennedy. The driver braked during his second turn to shoot jfk before killer bill greer shot jfk, he braked the limo to an almost complete stop. Ny premier limousine provides the most reliable jfk limousine service in new york area. I am very much aware of many secret service deficiencies, to be kind in the jfk assassination. Did william greer, the limousine driver, shoot the fatal. Originally posted by jblaze im sure that anyone of intellect can understand that the integrity of the zapruder film is at best suspect. By coming to a near stop during the shooting spree, jfk was a muc.

Driver greer and kellerman secret service agents in the front seat. Zapruder film shows jfks driver firing fatal head shot. By comparing the zapruder film with the orville nix film, it is clear that when shots were first fired at the president, driver william greer braked the limousine to almost a complete stop, and, only after the fatal head shot, do the brake lights go off and the car accelerates. Greer then turned to look at the president, only driving away when he. Order a copy of five presidents by clint hill with lisa mccubbin. Kennedy was riding with his wife jacqueline, texas governor john connally, and connallys wife nellie when he was fatally. In other words, he was not assigned a protection responsibility, he was simply a driver. This is a special photo of jfk and jaqueline from happy days in their life. Motorist driving on bridge when it suddenly collapse.

William robert greer september 22, 1909 february 23, 1985 was an agent of the u. Newcomb felt his book made the case for the limousine driver shooting jfk so well, that he sent copies of the book to the 1975 congress and senate, because he felt he would be guilty of obstruction of justtice if he did not do so. Secret service agent george hickey is seen brandishing a rifle as the limousine carrying a wounded president kennedy, with agent clint hill on the back, speeds away from dealey plaza in dallas on nov. Whether you are in new york for a business meeting or for a. For years people have been fooled by low resolution, inferior copies of the zapruder film. They broke the video down to show the limo had slowed to less than 11 mph at the time of the shooting.

Today we know that about 60 witnesses said the limo came to either a near or a complete stop. Did greer make mistakes in dealey plaza slowed the limo to look into the back. Why did jfks driver shoot him in the head at point blank range. Ruby who killed oswald before he could testify while he had claimed to be a patsey and several witnesses heard a shot from the cars vicinity and saw smoke. The driver didnt hit the curb, people didnt run in front of the car, other cars didnt pass by the limo and bob hope was nowhere to be seen. Kennedy was assassinated, you may have heard about a few conspiracy theories.

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